Publication day has finally arrived. Hallelujah, let’s rejoice!
Publication Day means, that the process of printing and distributing is done and the book is now published.
Today, three new books in the The Gemstone Detective series published. This means Buying Gemstones & Jewellery in Sri Lanka, Australia, Thailand and Worldwide are available to buy in the shops.

The launch party to celebrate Publication Day is happening tonight at the Institute of Directors in London. Hosted by Chris Day of Filament Publishing and founder of Authorcraft, Chris run a Monthly event at the Institute of Directors in London, where best-selling authors, international experts, editors, proofreaders, graphic artists, web designers, illustrators, and many more share their knowledge and experience to support other authors – whatever stage of the journey you are at.
Tonight, I am honoured to be sharing the stage with other esteemed published authors including Brenda Dempsey, Penny Power and Helena Holrick. No pressure there then!
Come and join Brenda and myself to celebrate our Publication Day. For tickets, visit this link. If you are a member of the Connection Hub on Facebook, contact Brenda (email: for a free ticket.
See you there! The show starts at 6pm.
Kim Rix, GG GIA
Gemstone Detective